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The Supreme Continuity and Initiation of Green Tara

  • Dechen Manchester The Studio, 51 Lever St Manchester M1 1FN United Kingdom (map)

The Supreme Continuity (Gyud Lama)

Saturday 10.30 am - 4.30pm

Sunday 10.30 am - 1.00pm

The Supreme Continuity (Gyud Lama) revealed by the bodhisattva Maitreya to the Indian master Asanga is one of the foundational texts of Kagyu Philosophy. It is a profound introduction to the buddha-nature which pervades all sentient beings as the true nature of our minds.

In this course Lama Jampa Thaye will elucidate Maitreya’s text through the celebrated commentary ‘The Unassailable Lion’s Roar’ composed by Jamgon Lodro Thaye. It thus marks one of the rare occasions on which this text has been taught in the West.

The weekend teaching will conclude with the initiation of White Manjusri, the embodiment of the Wisdom of all the Buddhas, from the lineage of Tropha Lotsawa."

Initiation of Green Tara

This initiation of Green Tara is from the 9th Karmapa's collection. Refuge and bodhisattva vows will be givenn to everyone during hte preliminary part of the initation.

For full details please see the local Dechen website.

Earlier Event: June 21
Initiation of Vajrakilaya