General Presentation of the Tantra Sets
to Apr 11

General Presentation of the Tantra Sets

  • Dhagpo Kundreul Ling (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lama Jampa Thaye continues the presentation of ways to understand the teaching of the tantras. He draws on an exceptional text by the renowned scholar Sönam Tsemo (1141-1182), a text intended for those who wish to study the Buddha’s teaching in detail in order to nourish and establish their confidence in Vajrayana in a stable manner. This work, similar to a grove of treasures, gives an inspiring description of the origin and teaching of the tantras. Moreover, it presents detailed refutations of erroneous views with great precision.

For further information please see the local website.

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 Advice Straight from the Heart and Initiation of Vajrasattva
10:30 AM10:30

Advice Straight from the Heart and Initiation of Vajrasattva

Advice Straight from the Heart by Patrul Rinpoche

10:30am -1pm

In the morning Lama Jampa will teach Patrul Rinpoche's marvellously clear and frank advice for anybody entering the path of Vajrayana Buddhism.

Initiation of Vajrasattva

​2:30pm - 4:30pm

In the afternoon he will bestow the initiation of Vajrasattva, the embodiment of the primordial purity of mind. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be included in this.

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering
10:30 AM10:30

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

7:00 - 9:00pm

A day of teachings on Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, a commentary on The Seven Points of Mind Training. This classic twelfth century text on lojong (‘mind training’) is in the form of pith instructions that show the methods to transform everyday life into the path to enlightenment, enabling us to apply them to whatever situations we encounter.

For further information please see the local website.

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Initiation of Red Sarasvati
10:30 AM10:30

Initiation of Red Sarasvati

Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in Vajrayana Buddhism. The practice of Red Saraswati cultivates the wisdom to both understand the teachings and to realise the true nature of things. From such wisdom all the seen and unseen qualities on the Buddhist path arise.

For further information please see the local website.

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering
10:30 AM10:30

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, composed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche, is a clear and authoritative, line by line commentary upon The Seven Points of Mind Training written by Geshe Chekhawa. This classic twelfth century text on lojong (‘mind training’) is in the form of pith instructions that show the methods to transform everyday life into the path to enlightenment, by developing bodhichitta (‘enlightenment-mind’, the resolve to attain buddhahood for the benefit of others) on the basis of loving-kindness and compassion. Rinpoche brilliantly illuminates these pith instructions, enabling us to apply them to whatever situations we encounter.

Karma Thinley Rinpoche, born in 1931, is an incarnate master of the Kagyu and Sakya traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and is the founder of the Shri Dechen Dharma Community of worldwide Buddhist centres. His extensive education and scholarship in Tibet, as well as his extraordinary spiritual accomplishments, make him one of the foremost teachers of Buddhism alive today.

For further information please see the local website.

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Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra
6:00 PM18:00

Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra

Unification of Mahamudra and Dzogchen

This initiation bestows the authority to meditate on Chenrezik, the embodiment of compassionate energy, and on mahamudra - the great seal - which is the true nature of mind. It is one of the most widespread meditation practices in Vajrayana Buddhism. This initiation is connected with the famous sadhana composed by the great Sakyapa master Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup.

For full details see the local website.

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Initiation, transmission and instruction for Vajrapani
to May 25

Initiation, transmission and instruction for Vajrapani

Vajrapani is one of the Lords of the Three Families and is revered in all traditions of vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the power of all buddhas.

The practice of Bhutadamara is usually undertaken in order to overcome negativities that obstruct spiritual progress in the Vajrayana. Along with the necessary initiation, Lama Jampa will teach the guide to the practice composed by the eminent master Zhuchen Tsultrim Rinchen, following this there will be the opportunity to do the practice.

For full details see the local website.

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Initiation of the One Thousand Armed Chenrezik
6:00 PM18:00

Initiation of the One Thousand Armed Chenrezik

Chenrezik is revered in all traditions of Buddhism as the supreme embodiment of compassion. This initiation is from the lineage of the great nun, Lakshminkara, and is associated with the one-day fasting ritual of Chenrezik. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For full details see the local website.

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Parting from the Four Attachments
10:00 AM10:00

Parting from the Four Attachments

Lama Jampa will present the famous Sakya teaching on Parting from the Four Attachments - Zhenpa Zhidral - using Gormapa Sonam Senge’s commentary the Key to the Profound Meaning, Gorampa’s commentary

This set of guided meditations on the spiritual path is excellent for both beginners and those who are more experienced. For this course, Lama Jampa will use the The Key to the Profound Meaning, an explanation of Parting from the Four Attachments composed by the Buddhist philosopher Gorampa Sonam Sengge.

For further information please see the local website.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Gonkar
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Gonkar

10:30am - 1:00pm Understanding Vajrayana Buddhism - Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

This section of Sakya Pandita’s text shows us how to practice Vajrayana Buddhism correctly and how to avoid common misunderstandings and errors.

2:30pm - 4:30pm Initiation of Gonkar

Gonpo Yizhin Norbu (Gonkar) is the wealth and protection bestowing emanation of Chenrezik. His practice was originally transmitted in the Shangpa Kagyu lineage and later preserved in the Sakya tradition where it is relied upon by many meditators.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For more information please visit the local website.

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Patterns in Emptiness – Understanding Dependent Origination in Buddhism
to Jun 16

Patterns in Emptiness – Understanding Dependent Origination in Buddhism

Friday 13 June 3:00pm - Sunday 15 June 12 Noon

How do Buddha’s teachings answer the most profound questions of our existence? What makes his thinking unique amongst other systems of thought? The answer lies in his teachings on ‘dependent origination’, which hold the key to unlocking his doctrines of karma, rebirth, suffering, liberation and compassion. Patterns in Emptiness shows how understanding this core Buddhist teaching of ‘dependent origination’ can transform how we see the world and provide an antidote to the disordered thinking that leaves us in the grip of the disturbing emotions. Without understanding this essential teaching, our meditation practice is likely to lead only to greater confusion. 

During these sessions Lama Jampa will present in detail this core teaching of the Buddha, which holds the key to unlocking his doctrines of karma, rebirth, suffering, liberation, and compassion. Patterns in Emptiness shows how understanding “dependent origination” can transform how we see the world and provide an antidote to the disordered thinking that leaves us in the grip of disruptive emotions. Without understanding this essential teaching, our meditation practice is likely to lead only to greater confusion.

For further information please visit the local website.

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Harnessing the Wild Horse of Mind: An Introduction to Buddhist Practice
10:30 AM10:30

Harnessing the Wild Horse of Mind: An Introduction to Buddhist Practice

  • Dechen Scotland, Stirling Highland Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

10:30 am - 12:30pm

The wild horse of mind is both our greatest challenge and our most precious treasure, the real source of both happiness and suffering. With wise and compassionate guidance on what may be helpful to each of us as individuals and how to meditate, each of us has the power to harness this wild horse of mind.

For further information please visit the local website.

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Initiation of Vajrakilaya
2:30 PM14:30

Initiation of Vajrakilaya

  • Dechen Scotland, Stirling Highland Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

2:30 - 4:30 pm

Vajrakilaya embodies the indestructible compassion of enlightened mind which transcends all negative emotions. This initiation is from the term lineage of Chogyur Lingpa.

*Refuge and bodhisattva vows will be given to everyone during the prelimminary part of the initiation.

For further information please visit the local website.

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The Supreme Continuity and Initiation of Green Tara
to Jun 29

The Supreme Continuity and Initiation of Green Tara

The Supreme Continuity (Gyud Lama)

Saturday 10.30 am - 4.30pm

Sunday 10.30 am - 1.00pm

The Supreme Continuity (Gyud Lama) revealed by the bodhisattva Maitreya to the Indian master Asanga is one of the foundational texts of Kagyu Philosophy. It is a profound introduction to the buddha-nature which pervades all sentient beings as the true nature of our minds.

In this course Lama Jampa Thaye will elucidate Maitreya’s text through the celebrated commentary ‘The Unassailable Lion’s Roar’ composed by Jamgon Lodro Thaye. It thus marks one of the rare occasions on which this text has been taught in the West.

The weekend teaching will conclude with the initiation of White Manjusri, the embodiment of the Wisdom of all the Buddhas, from the lineage of Tropha Lotsawa."

Initiation of Green Tara

This initiation of Green Tara is from the 9th Karmapa's collection. Refuge and bodhisattva vows will be givenn to everyone during hte preliminary part of the initation.

For full details please see the local Dechen website.

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering
to Jul 27

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, composed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche, is a clear and authoritative, line by line commentary upon The Seven Points of Mind Training written by Geshe Chekhawa. This classic twelfth century text on lojong (‘mind training’) is in the form of pith instructions that show the methods to transform everyday life into the path to enlightenment, by developing bodhichitta (‘enlightenment-mind’, the resolve to attain buddhahood for the benefit of others) on the basis of loving-kindness and compassion. Rinpoche brilliantly illuminates these pith instructions, enabling us to apply them to whatever situations we encounter.

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Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra (Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life)
to Aug 29

Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra (Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life)

  • Dechen European Retreat Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sunday 17 - Friday 29 August

The Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra is the 8th Century Indian master Shantideva’s classic guide to the Buddhist path. It is to this day one of the most popular and importnt works of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Lama Jampa will teach the text alongside the detailed commentary by Sonam Tsemo (1142-1182), one of th emost celebrated masters of the Sakya tradition. The commentary shines a brilliant light on Shantideva’s great work, clarifying every detail and resolving every difficult point.

For further information please see the local website.

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Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra
3:00 PM15:00

Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra


This initiation bestows the authority to meditate on Chenrezik, the embodiment of compassionate energy, and on mahamudra - the great seal - which is the true nature of mind. It is one of the most widespread meditation practices in Vajrayana Buddhism. This initiation is connected with the famous sadhana composed by the great Sakyapa master Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup.

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering
10:30 AM10:30

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, composed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche, is a clear and authoritative, line by line commentary upon The Seven Points of Mind Training written by Geshe Chekhawa. This classic twelfth century text on lojong (‘mind training’) is in the form of pith instructions that show the methods to transform everyday life into the path to enlightenment, by developing bodhichitta (‘enlightenment-mind’, the resolve to attain buddhahood for the benefit of others) on the basis of loving-kindness and compassion. Rinpoche brilliantly illuminates these pith instructions, enabling us to apply them to whatever situations we encounter.

For further information please see the local website.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of the One Thousand Armed Chenrezik
to Oct 5

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of the One Thousand Armed Chenrezik

Discriminating the Three Vows

Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the Three Vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of Vajrayana. This is the first occasion upon which Lama Jampa has taught this text.

Initiation of the One Thousand Armed Chenrezik

Chenrezik is revered in all traditions of Buddhism as the supreme embodiment of compassion. This initiation is from the lineage of the great nun, Lakshminkara, and is associated with the one-day fasting ritual of Chenrezik. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For full details see the local website.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of White Sarasvati
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of White Sarasvati

Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

10.30am - 1.00pm

Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the Three Vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of Vajrayana. This is the first occasion upon which Lama Jampa has taught this text.

Initiation of White Sarasvati

2.30 -4.30pm

Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in Vajrayana Buddhism and as a patroness of poetry and music. Thus many great masters have cultivated her meditation for the many qualities that it bestows. Lama Jampa will give the initiation of White Saraswati from the Bodong lineage.

Refuge and bodhisattva vows will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

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Eight Verses of Mind Training
to Dec 7

Eight Verses of Mind Training

The system of meditation practice known as mind training (LOBJONG in Tibetan) is one of the most popular and widely-practised in Buddhism. Geshe Langri Thangpa’s work is one of the most celebrated spiritual teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. It offers us a method of transforming adverse circumstances into positive aspects of the path of awakening compassion.

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The Way of Knowledge by Mipham Rinpoche
to Dec 31

The Way of Knowledge by Mipham Rinpoche

Ju Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912) was a great Nyingma master of the last century. A student of Jamgön Kongtrul, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo and Patrul Rinpoche, he became one of the greatest scholars of his time and his collected works fill more than thirty volumes. 

Mipham Rinpoche was born in the region of Derge in eastern Tibet. At the age of fifteen he undertook eighteen months of intensive retreat on Manjushri. He later confided to some of his students that from then on he had always been able to understand any text he read. Patrul Rinpoche taught him on the famous ninth chapter of the Bodhicharyavatara, ‘Wisdom’, and himself confirmed that after just five days’ teaching, Mipham Rinpoche had completely mastered both the words and meaning of the text. 

In this important philosophical text, Gateway to Knowledge, Ju Mipham gives a condensation of the Tripitaka and its accompanying commentaries. Consolidating the intent of Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings into a unified body, Mipham explores the different tenet systems in Tibetan Buddhism,  culminating in the ultimate and highest view of Zhentong (Empty-of-Other)

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of the Lords of the Three Families
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of the Lords of the Three Families

10:30am - 1:00pm Understanding Vajrayana Buddhism - Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

This section of Sakya Pandita’s text shows us how to practice Vajrayana Buddhism correctly and how to avoid common misunderstandings and errors.

2:30pm - 4:30pm Lords of the Three Families (Chenrezik, Manjushri & Vajrapani)

This initiation of The Lords of the Three Families (Rigsum Gonpo) is the permission initiation which allows one to meditate on the three principal bodhisattvas: Manjushri, the deity of wisdom, Chenrezik, the deity of compassion, and Vajrapani, the deity of power.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further information please see the local website.

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Teachings on the Great Madhyamaka
to Mar 17

Teachings on the Great Madhyamaka

Lama Jampa will continue with his teachings on the Buddhist view of the ultimate nature of reality using the famous guide to the Great Madhyamaka composed by the nineteenth century master of the Rime movement, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, entitled the Rays of the Stainless Vajra Moon.

This essential text by the Master Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye (19th century) sheds light on the perspective of the Kagyü tradition's most influential Zhentong Middle Way philosophy (Madhyamaka).  In it, the author does not impart a merely theoretical approach, but offers a real manual with practical instructions for meditation in the context of this special perspective of the "Empty of Other" perspective (Zhentong), which represents the interface between the Sutra transmission and the Vajrayana. These are the precious instructions that directly connect the mahamudra teachings with the teachings of the Buddha-nature.‘Most people interested in Buddhism start with sitting meditation, which is the tool for achieving a settled and flexible mind. This, however, is just one side of Buddhist meditation. The other side is meditation on the view or how things really are. When the two of these are combined, we can radically transform our lives. Rays of the Stainless Vajra Moon provides us with essential methods for uncovering the reality of existence, the reality of our mind –which is naturally pure and endowed with the qualities of wisdom and compassion.’

For full details of the 2025 Karmapa Public Course please see the KIBI website.

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Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom
to Feb 23

Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom

Lama Jampa will continue with teachings on‘The Shastra Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom’. This text is an important work of Buddhist philosophy and practice written by the renowned Buddhist master Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). It is one of the core texts of the Kagyu Tradition.

For further information please see the local website.

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Initiation of Red Saraswati*
7:00 PM19:00

Initiation of Red Saraswati*

Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in Vajrayana Buddhism. The practice of Red Saraswati cultivates the wisdom to both understand the teachings and to realise the true nature of things. From such wisdom all the seen and unseen qualities on the Buddhist path arise.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please see the local website.

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Wisdom in Exile - Buddhism in the West
6:00 PM18:00

Wisdom in Exile - Buddhism in the West

Lama Jampa Thaye presents insights from his book "Wisdom in Exile" and talks about the challenges and opportunities of Buddhism in the West, especially with regard to cultural exchange and authentic practice.

The public talk will be simultaneously translated into German.

For further details please see the local website.

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Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom (Namshe Yeshe)
to Feb 16

Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom (Namshe Yeshe)

  • Bodhi Path Renchen Ulm (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The shastra 'Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom' is an important work of Buddhist philosophy and practice written by the renowned Buddhist master Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). This text is one of the most important in the Kagyu tradition and helps us to understand the difference between ordinary, veiled consciousness and original wisdom. Lama Jampa Thaye will teach this according to the commentary 'The Lamp that Dispels Darkness', composed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche.

For further details please see the local website.

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The Supreme Continuity  and Initiation of White Manjusri
to Feb 9

The Supreme Continuity and Initiation of White Manjusri

The Unassailable Lion's Roar - Jamgon Kongtrul's commentary on the Supreme Continuity

Saturday 8 February, 10.30am - 12.30pm and 2.30-4.30pm

Sunday 9 February, 10.30am - 12.30pm

The Supreme Continuity (Gyud Lama) revealed by the bodhisattva Maitreya to the Indian master Asanga is one of the foundational texts of Kagyu Philosophy. It is a profound introduction to the buddha-nature which pervades all sentient beings as the true nature of our minds.

In this course Lama Jampa Thaye will elucidate Maitreya’s text through the celebrated commentary ‘The Unassailable Lion’s Roar’ composed by Jamgon Lodro Thaye. It thus marks one of the rare occasions on which this text has been taught in the West.

Initiation of White Manjusri*

Sunday 9 February, 2.30-4.30pm

The weekend teaching will conclude with the initiation of White Manjusri, the embodiment of the Wisdom of all the Buddhas, from the lineage of Tropha Lotsawa.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Red Saraswati
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Red Saraswati

Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

10:30am - 1:00pm

Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the Three Vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of Vajrayana.

Initiation of Red Saraswati*

2:30pm - 5:00pm

Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in Vajrayana Buddhism. The practice of Red Saraswati cultivates the wisdom to both understand the teachings and to realise the true nature of things. From such wisdom all the seen and unseen qualities on the Buddhist path arise.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please see the local website.

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Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra and Initiation of White Tara
to Dec 15

Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra and Initiation of White Tara

Situ Dharmakara's Commentary on the Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer

Saturday 14 December 10:30am - 12:30pm and 2:30 - 4:30pm

Sunday 15 December 10:30am - 12:30pm

Situ Dharmakara's celebrated work is a guide to the Aspiration Prayer composed by the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje. In elucidating the prayer, the commentary provides an extraordinarily profound explanation of Mahamudra meditation and a defence of the special precepts preserved in the Kagyu tradition.

Initiation of White Tara*

Sunday 15 December 2:30 - 4:30pm

The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. White Tara is one of the three deities of longevity whose practice is renowned for bestowing the blessings of long life and thus increasing the opportunity for spiritual practice. This initiation is from the lineage of the great master Shakya Shribhadra.

Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For full details see the local website.

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The Power of Wishes
6:30 PM18:30

The Power of Wishes

  • Geneva Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Monday 1 December, 6:30 - 8:30pm

A public lecture suitable for anyone with an interest in following the Buddhist path.

Aspiration is an impulse that leads us towards an ideal. From this impulse we formulate wishes. Do they reinforce our ordinary tendencies or do they lead us towards the best of ourselves?

In Buddhism, wishes take on a whole new dimension: it is about developing all our qualities to bring them to their fullness. Wishes then become a skillful means that helps us to gradually transform our lives and direct our minds towards our own good and that of others.

The Geneva Centre for the Study of Tibetan Buddhism is a branch of Karma Minyur Ling (Montchardon), placed under the spiritual authority of His Holiness Thaye Dorje, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, and Lama Teunsang.

For further information please see the local website.

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The Union of Dzogchen and Mahamudra in connection with the practice of Chenrezik
to Dec 1

The Union of Dzogchen and Mahamudra in connection with the practice of Chenrezik

  • Karma Migyur Ling Centre of Montchardon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This major teaching comes in the form of a series of eight songs composed by the realized master Karma Chakme. Characterized by its frankness and clarity, this text is one of the most famous sets of meditation instructions in the Kagyu tradition, called in Tibetan “ Mar Tri ”. Karma Chakme first guides us through the common and uncommon preliminary practices of Vajrayana, then, focusing on Chenrezig meditation, he teaches the methods of Deity Yoga. He then introduces the combined practice of Mahamudra and Dzogchen – the latter also being called the Great Perfection.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of White Dzambhala
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of White Dzambhala

Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

10:30am - 1:00pm

Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the Three Vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of Vajrayana.

Initiation of White Dzambhala*

2:30pm - 5:00pm

White Dzambhala or White Jambhala is a manifestation of the Chenrezik, the Buddha of Compassion. The practice is done to remove the suffering of poverty and sickness, purify non-virtuous karma and generate bodhicitta. The practice is said to originate from the great Indian Saint Atisha, who visited Tibet in the 11th Century CE.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Teachings on the Friendly Letter and Initiation of White Tara
10:30 AM10:30

Teachings on the Friendly Letter and Initiation of White Tara

The Telescope of Wisdom

10:30am - 1:00pm

Composed by the great philosopher Nagarjuna, The Friendly Letter is a supremely clear account of how we can practise the threefold path of morality, meditation and wisdom. To elucidate the text Lama Jampa will teach according to the detailed commentary The Telescope of Wisdom by Karma Thinley Rinpoche.

Initiation of White Tara*

2:30pm - 5:00pm

The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. White Tara is one of the three deities of longevity whose practice is renowned for bestowing the blessings of long life and thus increasing the opportunity for spiritual practice. 

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please see the local website.

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  Initiation of Green Tara
6:30 PM18:30

Initiation of Green Tara

Initiation of Green Tara from the lineage of Atisha


The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. As such her initiation and meditation are especially effective means of awakening one’s innate capacity for enlightened compassion. 

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Teachings on the Friendly Letter and Initiation of Red Saraswati
10:30 AM10:30

Teachings on the Friendly Letter and Initiation of Red Saraswati

The Telescope of Wisdom

10:30am - 1:00pm

Composed by the great philosopher Nagarjuna, The Friendly Letter is a supremely clear account of how we can practise the threefold path of morality, meditation and wisdom. To elucidate the text Lama Jampa will teach according to the detailed commentary The Telescope of Wisdom by Karma Thinley Rinpoche.

Initiation of Red Saraswati*

2:30pm - 5:00pm

Saraswati is famous as one of the principal wisdom deities in Vajrayana Buddhism. The practice of Red Saraswati cultivates the wisdom to both understand the teachings and to realise the true nature of things. From such wisdom all the seen and unseen qualities on the Buddhist path arise.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please see the local website.

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Teachings on Mind Training
6:30 PM18:30

Teachings on Mind Training

Mind Training in a Single Session

Wednesday 6 November

6:30 pm

This text was composed in the thirteenth century by Chim Namkha Drak, the great abbot of the Kadampa monastery of Narthang in Tibet. It comes from the mind training (Lojong) collection of teachings of which there are two main streams. Inspired by Atisha, this stream encapsulates the essential steps of the Mahayana, presenting them in a way that we can apply directly to our own personal situation – like all Lojong teachings. In fact, the only qualification we need to practise the teaching is, as Lama Jampa Thaye has said ‘our ordinary, confused mind, full of disturbing emotions, full of self-clinging and self-cherishing. With an unparalleled directness, they allow us to transform all situations, positive and negative, into the path of awakening.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Initiation of White Tara Chintamanichakra
to Nov 3

Initiation of White Tara Chintamanichakra

Session 1: Saturday, November 2, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Session 2: Saturday, November 2 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Session 3: Sunday, November 3, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This is a rare opportunity to receive these extraordinary teachings, transmitted in the Tsarpa branch of the Sakya tradition. This system of practice is the principal vajrayana means of achieving longevity. Lama Jampa will bestow the initiation of White Tara of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel from the lineage of Vagishvakirti and then go on to teach Ngawang Legdrup’s ‘Bestowing the Coolness of Longevity, the Oral Instructions of the Blissful Lord’. This text contains the tri (commentarial explanation) of the esoteric methods of accomplishing the Wishfulfilling-Wheel of White Tara.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Initiation of Medicine Buddha
7:00 PM19:00

Initiation of Medicine Buddha

19:00 21:30

Medicine Buddha, the buddha of healing, is one of the beloved deities of Buddhism. His practice heals the suffering of the disease whose root cause is greed, hatred and delusion. It is said that to just hear his name will clear away obscurations and can overcome mental, physical and spiritual sickness.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra*
2:30 PM14:30

Initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra*

15:00 17:00

This initiation, transmitted exclusively in the Sakyapa Lineage, confers the authority to meditate on Chenrezik Mahamudra, the embodiment of the energy of compassion, and on Mahamudra—The Great Seal—which is the exact nature of our mind. This is one of the most widespread meditation practices in Vajrayana Buddhism. This initiation is connected with the famous sadhana composed by the great Sakyapa Master Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering
to Oct 27

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

Session 1: Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Session 2: Saturday, October 26th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Session 3: Sunday, October 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Lama Jampa will teach this commentary on Karma Thinley Rinpoche’s Seven Points of Mind Training. It is a clear and authoritative commentary written by Geshe Chekhawa. This classic 12th-century text on Lojong is presented in the form of fundamental instructions that show the methods for transforming everyday life into the path to enlightenment, through the development of Bodhicitta based on loving-kindness and compassion. Rinpoche brilliantly illuminates these fundamental instructions, allowing us to apply them to any situation that may arise.

For further details please visit the local website.

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Teachings on Mind Training (Lojong)
to Oct 13

Teachings on Mind Training (Lojong)

  • Karma Kagyü Sangha Wien (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mind Training in a Single Session

Friday 11 October 19:30 - 21:00

Saturday 12 October 15:00 - 17:30 and 18:30 - 20:00

This text was composed in the thirteenth century by Chim Namkha Drak, the great abbot of the Kadampa monastery of Narthang in Tibet. It comes from the mind training (Lojong) collection of teachings of which there are two main streams. Inspired by Atisha, this stream encapsulates the essential steps of the Mahayana, presenting them in a way that we can apply directly to our own personal situation – like all Lojong teachings. In fact, the only qualification we need to practise the teaching is, as Lama Jampa Thaye has said ‘our ordinary, confused mind, full of disturbing emotions, full of self-clinging and self-cherishing. With an unparalleled directness, they allow us to transform all situations, positive and negative, into the path of awakening.

For further information see the local website.

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Manjushri Arapatsana*
10:30 AM10:30

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Manjushri Arapatsana*

Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

10:30am - 1:00pm

Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the Three Vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of Vajrayana.

Initiation of Manjushri Arapatsana*

2:30pm - 5:00pm

The initiation of Manjushri Arapatsana, the embodiment of enlightened wisdom. Meditation on this deity is an especially effective way of acquiring a profound understanding of the teaching.

*Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details please see the local website.

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Discriminating Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom by Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
to Sep 29

Discriminating Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom by Karmapa Rangjung Dorje

  • Bodhi Path Renchen Ulm (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Shastra Distinguishing Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom (Tib: Namshe Yeshe) is an important work of Buddhist philosophy and practice written by the renowned Buddhist master Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339).  It is one of the core texts of the Kagyu Tradition. The text is explained following Karma Thinley Rinpoche's commentary on it: 'The Lamp that dispels Darkness’.

For full details see the local website.

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Initiation of White Tara
7:30 PM19:30

Initiation of White Tara

Lama Jampa will be bestow the initiation of White Tara from the lineage of the great master Shakya Shribhadra.

The goddess Tara is revered in all traditions of Vajrayana Buddhism as the embodiment of the liberating activity of all buddhas. White Tara is one of the three deities of longevity whose practice is renowned for bestowing the blessings of long life and thus increasing the opportunity for spiritual practice.

This is a private event: please address enquiries to Andrew Gutmann (

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Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Simhanada-Lokeshvara
to Sep 22

Discriminating the Three Vows and Initiation of Simhanada-Lokeshvara

Discriminating the Three Vows by Sakya Pandita

Friday 20 September, 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Saturday 21 September, 10:30 am - 12:30 am and 3:00 - 5:00 pm

Lama Jampa will continue with his teaching of Discriminating the Three Vows. Sakya Pandita’s masterpiece offers a brilliant examination of the spiritual disciplines found in the three vehicles. Topics dealt with in this work include the reality of the Buddha nature, the ethics of a bodhisattva and the correct practice of vajrayana.

Initiation of Simhanada-Lokeshvara (Chenrezik Lion’s Roar)*

Sunday 22 September, 10.30am - 12.30pm

Simhanada is a form of Chenrezik, the embodiment of the enlightened compassion of all the Buddhas and is particularly associated with the removal of sickness and disease. This initiation is contained both within the collection of The Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya school and The Hundred Sadhanas of Bari Lotsawa. Lama Jampa received the former lineage from His Holiness Sakya Trizin, and the latter from Karma Thinley Rinpoche. 

Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of the initiation.

For further details, see the local website.

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The transmission of Phowa and Karma Chakme's Guide to Phowa Practice
1:30 PM13:30

The transmission of Phowa and Karma Chakme's Guide to Phowa Practice

Following on from his teaching on The Union of Mahamudra and Dzok Chen and the initiation of Buddha Amitabha this year in Yorkshire, Lama Jampa will extend this by giving the related transmission of Phowa (Transference) in September.

These form part of the famed cycle known as ‘Sky Dharma’ and are extraordinary skilful practices focussed upon rebirth in Amitabha’s pure spiritual environment known as Sukhavati (‘The Blissful’) the radiant light of the undying buddha-nature. 

Please note that in order to attend this teaching you need to have previously received an Amithabha or Chenerezi initiation.

The transmission of Phowa and Karma Chakme's Guide to Phowa Practice

1:30 - 4:30pm

Phowa (‘transference’) is one of the most cherished practices of Vajrayana. Amongst the various cycles of Phowa, that of Amitabha is the most widespread since it provides the means for achieving rebirth in the realm of great bliss at the time of death. 

Lama Jampa will give the transmission for the practice of Amitabha Phowa (Transference) according to the guide composed by Karma Chakme, and explicate its significance for the time of death.

See the local website for further details.

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The Sweet Drops of the Blooming Lotus of Great Bliss
to Aug 30

The Sweet Drops of the Blooming Lotus of Great Bliss

  • Dechen Europe, Sakya Changlochen Ling (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Sweet Drops of the Blooming Lotus of Great Bliss

 Sunday 25th August to  Friday 30th August

Lama Jampa will teach the extensive notes on the practice of the Uncommon Sadhana of the Goddess Vajra Yogini Naro Kachoma, one of the most important systems of practice. This text was composed in recent years by Karma Thinley Rinpoche and so this course represents its first transmission in the West.

*The prerequisites for attending this course are to have received a major (two-day) initiation of Chakrasamvara or Hevajra from a lama belonging to the Khon family of Sakya, and in addition, the blessing initiation of Naro Kachoma.

It is required that all those who receive this teaching must maintain observance of the Three Vows. Furthermore those who also choose to receive the optional teaching of the body mandala must make a commitment to maintain the unbroken daily practice of the full uncommon sadhana and the accomplishment of the basic retreat, during which there are four hundred thousand repetitions of the mantra to be completed.

For full details see the local website

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Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, Initiations of Manjusri and Namgyalma
to Aug 23

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, Initiations of Manjusri and Namgyalma

  • Dechen Europe, Sakya Changlochen Ling (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering

 Sunday 18th August to  Friday 23rd August

Lama Jampa Thaye will teach Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering, composed by Karma Thinley Rinpoche, a clear and authoritative, line by line commentary on The Seven Points of Mind Training written by Geshe Chekhawa. This classic twelfth century text on lojong (‘mind training’) is in the form of pith instructions that show the methods to transform everyday life into the path to enlightenment, by developing bodhichitta (‘enlightenment-mind’, the resolve to attain buddhahood for the benefit of others) on the basis of loving-kindness and compassion. Rinpoche brilliantly illuminates these pith instructions, enabling us to apply them to whatever situations we encounter.

During the course Lama Jampa will also bestow the initiations of Manjusri and Namgyalma. Refuge and the bodhisattva vow will be given to everyone during the preliminary part of each initiation.

For full details see the local website

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