Shining brighter in the light of the moon – a day of teachings with Lama Jampa Thaye

On Saturday 2 October over 120 people journeyed through the autumn rain to enjoy a day of teachings with Buddhist meditation master and scholar, Lama Jampa Thaye at The Future Inn, Bristol.

In the morning, Lama Jampa taught Chogyal Phakpa‘s text, the ‘Instructions to the Emperor’. The emperor in question was none other than Kublai Khan, grandson of the first Great Khan, Gengis. In this elegantly composed letter, Chogyal Phakpa sets out the key points of the Buddhist path, outlining the different vehicles of practice, and the importance of training in morality, meditation and wisdom. He also reminds the Khan, and us, that, even though he may have heard the teachings before, our understanding increases, just as a white building shines whiter in the light of the moon.

In the afternoon, Lama Jampa gave the initiation of the wealth bestowing goddess Vasudhara from the 100 sadhanas of Bari Lotsawa. Her practice, when motivated by the wish to achieve buddhahood for the sake of all beings, creates the beneficial conditions necessary for cultivating the spiritual path.

Lama Jampa will return to continue Chogyal Phakpa’s text on 29th January next year.