August in France - cultivating two great traditions in one region

A summer of teachings and activities in the Dordogne

From July until the end of August Lama Jampa was in residence in the Périgord noir region of France. During this time gave teachings and engaged in countless other dharma activities, including the bestowal of vajrayana initiations and visits to a number of Buddhist centres in the area.

At the first weekend he taught for two days on the famous text Parting from the Four Attachments at at Dhagpo Kagyu Ling. As well as giving detailed instructions on this important Sakya text, Lama Jampa showed how it runs parallel to the key text of the Kagyu tradition, the Four Dharmas of Gampopa.

“The main point is to hear these teachings and to put them into practice. They allow access to the dharma for everybody, from beginners to those on the path: they are very spacious and very relevant to all of us”

Lama Jampa began by explaining how these teachings, whilst expressing the essence of the mahayana, at the same time incorporate the teachings of the hinayana path.

“Essence teachings summarise the vast presentation of the dharma in a very pithy way which is clear and easy to apply in practice. So these enable one to practice all of the essential stages of the path even if one doesn’t have the time or the ability to study the extensive sutras and shastras.”

Many people were able to receive the teaching fully in person at Dhagpo whilst many others listened in to the event via the livestream provided.

From Monday until Thursday of the next week Lama Jampa continued his transmission of Sonam Tsemo’s text General Presentation of the Tantra Sets which focusses on the practices of the vajrayana path.

The following week, Lama Jampa and family joined the community of Dhagpo Kagyu Ling in the life release for Jigme Rinpoche’s 72nd birthday. They also visited Dhagpo Kundreul Ling in the Auverne and enjoyed an extensive tour accompanied by Gendun Rinchen, Lama Khemchog and Lama Jean-Guy. On the second morning of their stay they paid a short visit to the nunnery of Laussedat and its beautiful temple. 

Lama Jampa also visited Sakay Changlochen Ling, the Dechen retreat centre several times and bestowed the three initiations of Manjushri Arapatsana, Chenrezik Mahamudra and Namgyalma on the fortunate students who had gathered there.

Lama Jampa and family have now returned safely to England. The next public teaching event is on Saturday 11 September in Hebden Bridge. Details can be found here.