Earlier this month, three and a half years since his last visit, Sakya Dolma Ling's (Dechen Mexico) sangha welcomed our teacher Lama Jampa Thaye back to Mexico City.
On the first day, Lama Jampa gave a public talk on his book Wisdom in Exile to avid students, who received advice on how to best understand and practice the dharma in a world focused on notions of science and politics that do not bring lasting happiness.
During the week end, Lama Jampa gave the important teachings on dependent origination based on another of his books Patterns in Emptiness. At the end of the teachings on Sunday, Lama Jampa bestowed the initiation of Chenrezik Mahamudra and the refuge ritual to new students.
Finally, on his last day in the city, Lama Jampa bestowed the initiation of the long life deity Namgyalma from the Bari Lotsawa lineage.
The post pandemic situation, the worldwide crises, and the long wait for dharma teachings made this visit particularly valuable. The students at Dechen Mexico feel very fortunate and treasured the opportunity to have received teachings from Lama Jampa.