A joyful return to Sakya Changlochen Ling

From 17 to 29 July, Lama Jampa led two weeks of teachings and group practice at Dechen's European retreat centre, Sakya Changlochen Ling. Under blazing blue skies, over 80 people came from far and wide to further their own dharma practice and connect with friends both old and new.

Lama Jampa opened the course with the initiation of Manjushri Arapatsana, a deity renowned for increasing the wisdom of practitioners. This was followed by a week of teachings on 'The Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment' on the graduated path to buddhahood by the 11th century Indian master, Atisha. Composed at the request of a Tibetan prince, who wished for a text that brought together all the aspects of the Buddhist path, without omission, whilst being sufficiently short and straightforward to understand. In 68 verses, it describes the three different motivations and goals of the Buddhist path, namely a good rebirth, individual freedom from suffering and, finally, complete enlightenment for the benefit of others, ultimately showing how in fact these aspects form one, systematic path. The week closed with the initiation of the three deities of Amitayus, Namgyalma and White Tara, efficacious in increasing longevity to support one's dharma activities.

In the second week, Lama Jampa gave the initiation of Vajrapani Bhutadamara, along with the reading transmission and instructions for the practice by Zhuchen Tsultrim Rinchen. Students then undertook several days of group practice on this deity, which is renowned for clearing away obstacles to progress along the path, in particular ahead of completing major cycles of practice such as Vajrayogini.

In his closing address Lama Jampa reflected on how wonderful it was to work, practice and receive teachings together in such a holy place after the darkness of the past few years.