The riches of Sakya dharma shared in LA and New Mexico

Lama Jampa has just returned to London after completing a three week teaching visit to the US. He was accompanied by Dechen Dolma and Kate.

Lama Jampa gave two weekends of teachings at Sakya Samten Ling in Santa Monica. He continued to teach The Telescope Of Wisdom, Karma Thinley Rinpoche‘s commentary of Nagarjuna‘s Friendly Letter and bestowed the initiations of Gonkar (White Mahakala) and Manjushri Arapatsana. He also taught the gomlung (meditation transmission) of Tangtong Gyalpo‘s Chenrezik sadhana which the sangha practice together on Sunday mornings at the center. 

It was a joyful and precious time for the LA sangha during which they were able to see Lama Jampa personally about their practice. Refuge was also bestowed as the sangha continues to grow slowly and steadily. 

During the middle part of the visit, Lama Jampa, accompanied by his daughter Rosalind, Fred Tyler and Adrian O‘Sullivan, visited New Mexico for the first time at the invitation of April Dolkar from Tsechen Namdrol Ling. This was a lovely visit which saw Lama-la bestow two initiations, of Prajnaparamita and Yellow Dzambala, as well as teaching an exposition of the Three Vehicles based on his newly released book, the expanded edition of Diamond Sky.

Lama Jampa will return to America in the autumn where he will teach on both the East and West Coasts.

For detailed reports of the visit written by local sangha please click here.