Journeying into the Black Forest

Continuing his tour of Germany & Switzerland, on the outskirts of Basel Lama Jampa bestowed the initiation of White Tara according to the lineage of Shakya Shri Bhadra. The resident Dechen group together with dharma friends from around Switzerland came together for this mid-week occasion, and many stayed afterwards and joined Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma for coffee and cakes in a relaxed and informal setting.

Following on from Basel,  at the weekend Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma made the short journey across the Swiss-German border and into the Black Forest. There, at Bodhi Path Renchen-Ulm, Lama-la continued teaching Karmapa Ranjung Dorje's text, Discriminating Consciousness and Primordial Wisdom (Namshe Yeshe). More than thirty people gathered in person from Germany, Europe, England with many more online. Unpacking the commentary of the Fourth Karma Thinley Rinpoche, with the assistance of Denis's excellent translation, Lama Jampa gave a detailed explanation of the operation of our six sense consciousnesses, the egoic consciousness (manas), and the underlying base consciousness. By Sunday we had reached half way into the text, and into the 'sunlight of primordial wisdom', where the teaching is to be continued next year. Once again many thanks for the warm hospitality of the Bodhi Path Renchen-Ulm Team.