Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering at Sakya Changlochen Ling

Yesterday, Friday 23rd August, Lama Jampa completed transmitting the entire text entitled 'Dispelling the Darkness of Suffering' by Karma Thinley Rinpoche. Rinpoche's commentary on the famous Seven Point Lo-Jong teaching by Geshe Chekawa is of special significance as it is recently composed and so includes content of particular relevance to contemporary Buddhist practitioners.

During a joyful week at the Dechen European Centre of Sakya Changlochen Ling, Lama Jampa also bestowed the initiations of Lion Speech Manjusri and Namgyalma, deities connected with the cultivation of wisdom and longevity respectively.

Events continue at Changlochen for a further week, commencing with the special blessing initiation of Narokhachoma tomorrow, Sunday.