Discriminating the Three Vows at Dhagpo

Lama Jampa has just completed five days of teaching on Sakya Pandita’s ‘Discriminating the Three Vows’ at Dhagpo Kagyu Ling, His Holiness Karmapa’s European Seat in the Dordogne. 

Set among the spectacular wooded hills of south-west France, Dhagpo Kagyu Ling has been a place of study and practice of Buddha’s teachings for nearly fifty years. 

In Dhagpo’s impressive Institute, Lama Jampa gave five days of clarification on the Shravaka Vows from Sakya Pandita’s text.  The teaching was attended by around fifty people from all over Europe, including two nuns from Dhagpo’s monastic sangha. 

Lama Jampa’s comprehensive presentation of Sakya Pandita’s extraordinarily clear and detailed clarification of various misconceptions about the Shravaka vows deepened everyone’s understanding of Buddha’s teachings. The teaching will continue at Dhagpo Kagyu Ling next year.

Lama Jampa will return to Dhagpo this coming weekend - 10 and 11 August - to give two days of teachings on mind training. Click here for details.