This weekend Lama Jampa gave both a full day of Vajrayana Buddhist teachings in London, and also hosted a visit of His Eminence Khöndung Asanga Vajra Rinpoche to the Dechen London temple in Notting Hill (106 Chepstow Road).
Saturday’s teaching event comprised a morning on Sakya Pandita’s corrective text ‘Discriminating the Three Vows’ (dom sum rab ngyes) followed by a blessing initiation (jenang) of the Lords of The Three Families.
The morning teaching covered the section entitled ‘The Essentials of the Doctrine are not to be Undermined’, which as Lama Jampa pointed out could in fact be the title of the whole text! Sakya Pandita’s text covered many ways in which small misunderstandings or changes to the Buddha’s teachings could lead one to completely lose one’s way (or lead others to do so), from misunderstand the superficial similarities between the dharma and other religious doctrines, to the ways in which fake Buddhist teachers use elements of the Buddha’s teachings to attract people to them, but then deliver non-Buddhist teachings. Similarly, the text points out that even small mistakes and errors in key elements of our practice can render it useless and may magnify over time leading to greater errors down the line.

Just a few hours of teachings by Lama Jampa explaining Sapan’s work proves once again to be incredibly helpful to practitioners new and old. It is made clear to us that the importance, power and profundity of the dharma is such that if we practice it correctly we can indeed achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, but if we follow distorted or fabricated versions of it we will at best be wasting our time.
In the afternoon Lama Jampa bestowed the extraordinary and beautiful jenang (blessing initiation) of the Lords of the Three Families. These three, Manjusri, Chenrezi and Vajrapani, are respectively the embodiments of the perfect wisdom, compassion and power of the buddhas.
On Sunday morning Lama Jampa welcomed His Eminence Khöndung Asanga Vajra Rinpoche to the Dechen Sakya Buddhist temple in London. People from London and the wider Dechen mandala were happy to meet HE, who is set to become the 46th Sakya Trizin. Prayers to Chenrezi the Great compassion were followed by a short dharma talk and wide ranging Q&A with topics ranging from what attracts people to the dharma, to how the practice of Chenrezi leads to enlightenment. Currently completing an MA at the School of Oriental and African Studies, HE is currently writing a dissertation on the Sakya Lineage. HE promised to visit the temple again next time he is in London.

Lama Jampa’s next scheduled teaching event in London will be in November when he will continue with teachings on Discriminating the Three Vows.