Lama Jampa, Dechen Dolma and Katie have just returned from India and a four day visit to Sakya Dolma Phodrang in Rajpur. The primary purpose of the visit was His Holiness' bestowal of a series of initiations from the Collection of Sadhanas which have been requested by Lama Jampa. The initiations were also attended by HE Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, HE Akasha Vajra Rinpoche, HE Siddhartha Vajra Rinoche, Jetsunma Kunga Thinley, Jetsunma Tsejin Lhamo and Jetsunma Kunga Chime as well as numerous Sakya tulkus and khenpos and over four hundred monks and nuns. On both days, as the sponsor of these initiations, Lama Jampa made extensive offerings to His Holiness and the entire sangha.
Lama Jampa and family were also able to spend a lot of time with His Holiness, Gyalyum Chemo-la and family. This included much discussion on contemporary issues facing the Dharma, both east and west. In addition, Lama Jampa and HE Ratna Vajra Rinpoche were able to run through plans for Rinpoche's visit to Europe next year.
Kunga Gyaltsen, who had come from Nepal a few days earlier, was on hand to meet Lama Jampa and family on arrival in Delhi and provide much assistance throughout. Before leaving Rajpur, a visit was made to Sakya Tegchen Choling, the beautiful retreat centre, established by Kirsty Chakravarty in the hills behind Rajpur.