Lama Jampa visited Sakya Dechen Ling, Stuttgart on 10th and 11th June 2017, to continue the teachings on the Triple Vision (Nang Sum) of Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup and to bestow the initiation of Amitayus, Namgyalma and White Tara.
The root text of the Nang Sum, the Vajra Verses, were transmitted in a one to one line from the Indian Master Virupa, through Krishnacharia to Ghayadhara, who brought them to Tibet and to the translator Drogmi Shakya Yeshe. It became the chief teaching and practice system of the Sakya Tradition. In the sixteenth century the great master Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup composed this commentary that Lama Jampa is teaching.