Over the weekend of 1st and 2nd of July Lama Jampa completed his teaching of Jamgon Kongtrul’s Rays of the Stainless Vajra Moon. Over one hundred people cam to hear the final part of these detailed instructions on the essential methods for meditating on and realise the reality of our mind, which is naturally pure and endowed with the qualities of wisdom and compassion.
This bought to an end the current cycle of Shedra texts focussing on the view of Zhentong Madhyamaka that Lama has been teaching in Manchester over recent years.
On Sunday afternoon Lama Jampa gave the initiation of Medicine Buddha from the Sky Dharma lineage of Mingyur Dorje, together with the reading transmission for the accompanying meditation practice.
At the close of the weekend Lama Jampa confirmed that this winter in Manchester he will begin teaching a Mahamudra practice text by the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje - Pointing the Finger at the Dharmakaya.