A Message from Lama Jampa

I would like to express my great appreciation of the manner in which our centres, groups and individual students have maintained our activities during these past several months. Despite the various restrictions affecting us, including the sad cancellation of HH Sakya Gongma Trichen's visit to us in August and the deferment of the anticipated visit from HH Karmapa, we have kept the flame of our dharma-practice alive.

However, the  present difficulties, which might continue for some time yet, can inspire us to reflect upon our extra-ordinary good fortune in having been  able to meet and study the teachings with our great masters. The current obstructions also remind us that the freedom to practise the dharma is easily lost but difficult to regain.

As Shantideva says:

'It is extremely difficult to acquire the freedom and endowments

Which make this human birth meaningful.

If I fail to benefit from them now,

How will I get a chance like this again?'

Furthermore, it seems to me that, outside of the wise and compassionate guidance given to us by Lord Buddha, that best of all doctors, there is nowhere to look for the sure moral guidance on how to conduct ourselves. Nor do I see anywhere else the decisive protection from the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death that the dharma provides.

As is all too evident, ignorance, desire and hatred still rule samsara and those who rule within it - whatever their power, party or professed good intentions. Thus they cannot be relied upon for guidance or protection in any profound way. This does not gainsay the necessity to develop an attitude of compassion towards the people in such positions.

So, at this time of trouble, we should re-dedicate ourselves to the freedom of all beings from fear and suffering and, ultimately, their acquisition of the undying bliss of enlightenment. There are no greater aspirations than these and there is  no better way to use our lives.

I look forward to meeting with you all again soon and I also take this opportunity to share the blessings of our great masters with you.

With best wishes and blessings,

Lama Jampa