Invoking the Power of the Buddhas at Fulham Palace

On Saturday 24 October Lama Jampa Thaye gave a day of rare and precious dharma teachings at Fulham Palace, London. 

In the morning Lama Jampa taught a mind training (lojong) text that originated with the great master from Java, Dharmakirti. This along with many other lojong teachings were transmitted to his student the great Atisha who was later responsible for the firm establishment of such teachings in the Tibetan traditions. The text begins with Dharmakirti counselling Atisha that he will need these instructions in order to subdue ‘the barbarian borderlands’ an accurate description of Tibet at that time. However, being mind training teachings the point is not that they will somehow subdue the outer aspect of beings but rather that they will help those beings to overcome the barbarian tendencies within their own minds. 

The teaching went on to give detailed instructions for how to cut off our disturbing emotions as they arise by looking into their true nature and how we can view adverse conditions as our spiritual teachers and use them to reduce self clinging and develop patience. The commentary also gave a condensed teaching on the heart of the Mahayana approach, that  the ‘joyful embrace of others’ welfare is the source of all goodness’ and advising us to ‘totally discard oneself and serve the wellbeing of all without any fear’. Finally, there was a brief introduction to the wisdom aspect of lojong in terms of how we should approach and view all of our practice, beyond the three circles, dualism and the three times. 

Lama Jampa’s explanation of these extraordinarily profound teachings was as usual perfectly detailed, utterly clear and endowed with great insight.

In the afternoon Lama Jampa bestowed the permission initiation of Mahachakra Vajrapani on the sangha, in this way transmitting to them the seed of the power of the Buddhas in order to support  practice of the dharma in these challenging times.

Everyone was very happy to have been able to receive these teachings in such a beautiful setting. Dechen London hope that Lama Jampa will be able to fulfil their request to return early in 2021 to bestow further teachings.