An update on Lama Jampa's teaching programme

Lama Jampa's planned teachings for the Bodhi Path centres in Valencia and Prague this month were cancelled. These, as well as the requested teachings at Khyenkong centre in Warsaw, will be rescheduled at the earliest possibility. 

Teachings on the Jewel Ornament and the initiation of Dzambhala for Kagyu Ling in Manchester have been postponed from the end of this month and will be rescheduled as soon as possible. 

In the New Year, Chogyal Phakpa's Jewel Garland and the initiation of Parnashabari is scheduled for 23rd January in Bristol. 

In February, Lama Jampa will teach in Zurich on the 6th and 7th and in Manchester on the 29th and 30th 

In March, Lama Jampa is scheduled to teach at Sakya Dechen Ling in London on the 20th.

In May, Lama Jampa will teach Gampopa's Jewel Rosary in Hebden Bridge on the 8th and continue with The Rays of the Vajra Moon at the Dhagpo  Mandala centre in Mohra, Germany from 28th - 30th.

And on June 5th, Lama Jampa is scheduled to teach at Sakya Thinley Rinchen Ling in Bristol.

We will add more information concerning teachings at centres in the USA, Mexico, France, Germany and the UK as it becomes available.