Lama Jampa Returns to Switzerland

Prayer to Vajradhara in Zurich

It was in 2005 that Lama Jampa and his wife Dechen Dolma last came to Zurich. In the intervening time the previous Shamar Rinpoche founded a centre in Zurich city which has grown and flourished over the years. Thus it was that the Zurich Bodhipath centre was able to host Lama Jampa for a day of teaching on the Kagyu mahamudra system as encapsulated in the Prayer to Vajradhara by Pengkar Jampal Zangpo, with commentary by Karma Chagmed.

It seemed auspicious that the more than 20 students gathering for the event came from Bodhipath, Dhakpo Mandala and Dechen centres (in Switzerland, Germany and UK), dharma groups bound together by the blessing of the Black Hat Karmapa and the Red Hat Shamarpa. At the end of the day, so wonderfully organised in all aspects by our kind hosts, Lama Jampa said how pleased he was to support the activities of Bodhipath, through his visits to their many centres in US and Europe, and thereby honour the legacy of Sharma Rinpoche himself. He also thanked his excellent translator, Beat Lehmann.

Transmission of Chenrezi in Mellen

The next day Lama Jampa bestowed the mind-transmission (Gom-Lung) of Chenrezi in Meilen, which was a wonderful blessing and a great gift to all those who aspire to practice the sadhana of the Noble Chenrezi in Switzerland. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that there were three Tibetans in the group, together with English, German and Swiss, making it a truly international gathering of dharma practitioners from diverse backgrounds!

And so it was that Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma returned to London that evening after a short but inspiring visit for us all. We hope and pray that they will return to Switzerland again soon.

By Andrew & Dolma Gutmann