The Immeasurable Benefits of Bodhichitta

Kagyu Ling Buddhist Centre sangha and friends were recently fortunate to receive an extended visit from Lama Jampa and family to Manchester. During the visit to Kagyu Lama Jampa gave many interviews to practitioners from across the North of England as well as public teachings.

Over the weekend of 23-24 February Lama Jampa continued teaching Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation at the Kagyu Ling Shedra. Lama expounded the chapters on Bodhichitta, the vast aspiration and application required to realise Buddha Nature, including the ritual, conduct, and consequences of breaking the vow. He commented that:

“Often people come to dharma for a quiet life and sign up for the journey to Buddhahood without realising the enormity and seriousness of the undertaking, which often comes as a shock later down the line…”

However, as Gampopa states, if Bodhichitta and the conduct of the bodhisattva is engaged with fully, then the benefits are immeasurable.

On Sunday afternoon Lama Jampa bestowed the initiation of Sanjay Menla (Medicine Buddha), at the start of which seven people took refuge vows for the first time.

The community associated with Kagyu Ling, look forward to Lama Jampa’s return to Manchester for the July Shedra, where he will continue with Gampopa’s graduated path text, from the chapter on the perfection of generosity.