Lama Jampa's message for Buddha day

Dear Friends,

This coming Friday, June 5th is the holy day on which we celebrate the Enlightenment and Parinirvana of Lord Buddha. On this day, the power of positive aspirations is immensely increased. So, I request people to set aside some time on this day to carry out such virtuous practice.

Firstly, it would be wonderful to recite The Praise of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha. In this prayer, we remember with gratitude the Buddha's supremely compassionate activity and make the aspiration that we ourselves will come to emulate it. Secondly, reciting The Ritual of Offerings to the Sixteen Elders ( '16 Arhats Puja'),  is an excellent means of strengthening the continuity of the dharma. Lord Buddha himself appointed His sixteen disciples as Protectors of His doctrine in this world. It seems especially appropriate to recite this ritual now when many of our dharma-activities have been made temporarily impossible and the good conditions for the flourishing of the dharma need to be restored.

Furthermore, on this day, we should reflect that everything required to overcome problems is to be found in the excellent counsel given to us by the Buddha. To understand that it is this alone which is the ultimate source of benefit and liberation for all beings is the profound meaning of Taking Refuge and the basis for Generating Bodhichitta. Thus there is no need to look elsewhere for guidance as to how we should live and act in this world.

So, on this day I pray that all partisan anger and hatred that we carry in our hearts be dissolved and that, as a consequence, we can live without fear and radiate compassion to all, without partiality.

With prayers to my lamas, that, from this day forward, we become worthy of being known as 'followers of the Buddha'.

Lama Jampa Thaye 


May 31st 2020