River of Memory at HOME in Manchester

On Friday 22nd October Lama Jampa was invited to HOME in Manchester to celebrate the publication this year of the new edition of River of Memory: Dharma Chronicles.

This was a unique event, particularly aimed at allowing those new to the dharma to make a meaningful connection. The location at HOME provided a vibrant yet intimate setting, in a room with a backdrop of windows and lights, framing the Manchester skyline. It was a perfect venue to hear Lama Jampa discussing and reading from his new book River of Memory. 

The evening had a very personal feel. Lama Jampa talked about his beginnings, how he became interested in Buddhism, his drive to find the living tradition and his education in dharma. He recounted his first encounters with his principal masters, Karma Thinley Rinpoche and H.H. Sakya Trichen, and he emphasised the importance of person-to-person transmission. He explained the process of transmission and how the student can make use of the instructions received. To round off the discussion he read passages from the book and touched on reflections on Buddhism in the west. This led to some thought-provoking questions from the audience.  After the talk, alongside the book signing and the opportunity for people to meet Lama Jampa, we were able to enjoy live classical music whilst making old and new connections over a glass of wine.  

Some feedback from attendees:

“It was a joy to see so many newcomers taking the opportunity to meet Lama Jampa in a relaxed setting.”

“Really interesting… I am looking forward to reading my book!”

“An excellent discourse on the River of Memory followed by a good glass of wine in the convivial surrounding of a major Manchester cinema complex”

“I had such a good time. Lots of laughing”

Due to Amazon supply chain difficulties across the industry River of Memory is only currently available from Dechen Buddhist centres.