A long awaited meeting in the holy land of Nepal

Due to Covid 19 restrictions and his delicate health, Karma Thinley Rinpoche was not able to visit Lama Jampa in London en route to Nepal this year in August. As soon as it was possible and manageable, Lama Jampa and Dechen Drolma travelled to Nepal to visit Rinpoche. For his advanced age Rinpoche is in good health, and very happy to have been able return to Nepal from Canada.

During the visit the monks and nuns of Tegchen Legshey Ling performed a long life 'tsedrub' ritual and tsog and dedicated to the continuing good health and long life of Rinpoche and Lama Jampa. The monastery also made 'ten zhug' offerings and prayers to Lama Jampa, requesting him to remain for the benefit of sentient beings.

The rituals and prayers were done on the first day of the Tibetan calendar, which is auspicious for such events.